Department of Respiratory Medicine deals with comprehensive care of patients dealing with various lung conditions. Various common respiratory problems such as COPD ,Asthma , Tuberculosis ,Pneumonias, ILD are effectively diagnosed and managed in the department.

Vision :

To enhance the respiratory health , management and educate the community about the respiratory affections and respiratory etiquette

Mission :

  • To provide exceptional Pulmonary care ,Educate future generations of respiratory specialists and tackle the various Respiratory challenges.


  • Holistic approach for diagnosis and management of various lung conditions.
  • Bronchoscopy with Bronchoalveolar lavage and biopsy.
  • Computerised Pulmonary Function Testing.

S.No.Name of the StaffPhotographQualificationDesignationReg No
1Dr.A Sai KumarMDProfessor & HODHMC10566
2Dr.N Usha RaniMDProfessorAMC13895
3Dr.K Prashanth KumarMDAssociate Professor70371
4Dr.Sakshi BatraMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/92617
5Dr.T Sri RajiniMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/77647
6Dr. J V N D ShivaraniMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/80464
7Dr. Ruchi ThakurMDSenior ResidentTSMC/FMR/10787
8Dr. R Arun KumarMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/92648
9Dr. Vasavi Sri Dattasena RudrarajuMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/114806
10Dr. Divyesh PershadMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/08781
11Dr. Maseera TazeenMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/06803
12Dr. Samala ThulasiMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/101165
13Dr. Chapati Dilip ReddyMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/120588

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