Vision :

To develop a leading institute in training paediatrician in a comprehensive Manner with child centric approach and family –focused paediatric care.

Mission :

  • To provide exceptional healthcare : Delivering the highest quality medical care for infants, children, and adolescents across a broad spectrum of conditions.
  • To Prioritize child well-being : Ensuring a nurturing and supportive environment that respects each child’s unique needs and developmental stage.
  • To foster family partnerships : Collaborating with families in making medical decisions, respecting their choices, and providing them with the education and support they need.
  • To advance pediatric medicine : Actively participating in research to develop new treatment and improve healthcare outcomes for children.
  • To Inspire future generations : Education and training the next generation of pediatric healthcare providers.

S.No.Name of the StaffPhotographQualificationDesignationReg No
1Dr.Srinivas SubudhiMDProfessor & HODTSMC/FMR/04888
2Dr.J Venkateswara RaoMDProfessorAMC14562
3Dr.Vidya SingaraveluDNBProfessor70058
4Dr.Ashwinreddy KMDProfessor78527
5Dr.A Vamshee PriyaMDProfessor64948
6Dr.Y.Sailendra KumarMDProfessor51726
7Dr.A Dileep KumarMDAssociate ProfessorAPMC/FMR/75726
8Dr.G DeepikaMDAssociate ProfessorAPMC/FMR/80645
9Dr.Syeda Arshiya FerdozeMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/93501
10Dr.Harikrishna AMDAssistant Professor73991
11Dr.S Shiva Raj GoudDNBAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/89566
12Dr. Kanagala ChaitanyaMDAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/82717
13Dr.Priti Reddy C SDNBAssistant ProfessorTSMC/FMR/04725
14Dr.Y.Sai SreeMDAssistant ProfessorTSMC/FMR/04494
15Dr.Shiva Kumar BelideDNBAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/83444
16Dr.M BhaskarDNBAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/81777
17Dr. Chinthi Reddy Sanjana ReddyMDAssistant ProfessorTSMC/FMR/03788
18Dr. Garlapati SwethaDCH, DNBAssistant ProfessorTSMC/FMR/14454
19Dr.K MounikaMDSenior ResidentTSMC/FMR/00626
20Dr. Duggirala AvaniMDSenior ResidentTSMC/FMR/06939
21Dr. Dumpala Dinesh ReddyMDSenior ResidentTSMC/FMR/07776
22Dr. Gundagani PrawardhanMDSenior ResidentTSMC/FMR/02785
23Dr. Gudipati Meghna ReddyMDSenior ResidentTSMC/FMR/06933
24Dr. Lanka Gourav ReddyMDSenior ResidentTSMC/FMR/09384
25Dr. Battula SunandaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/13512
26Dr. Ramaram SahithiMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/18112
27Dr. Yatirajavalli MMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/12872
28Dr. Pittala TejaswiniMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/00614
29Dr. Bana DharaniMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/109177
30Dr. Purumandla Arun Kanth ReddyMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/05512
31Dr. Daru Sri LaxmiMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/13789
32Dr. Sivaiahgari Vinay KumarMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/14660
33Dr. G Naveena ReddyMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/13215
34Dr. Gudipati SahithiMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/17411
35Dr. Gummadi ShirishaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/08838
36Dr. Kotha Shruthi GoudMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/10782
37Dr. Kopparapu ThanviMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/23816
38Dr. Kancheti VivekMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/16651
39Dr. Siguram RagalahariMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/16734
40Dr. Shiva Prasad MMBBSJunior Resident59493
41Dr. Sri Padma Roshini GunduMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/22487
42Dr. Gadupudi Shiva KrishnaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/23351
43Dr. M Pavan KumarMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/22727
44Dr. V VidhyaMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/114888
45Dr. Rangu SushmaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/13148
46Dr. Amgoth PrashanthMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/21813
47Dr. Naga Jyothi JadaMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/74746
48Dr. Manthena Samanth KumarMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/77746
49Dr.Yamini Priya KMBBSJunior Resident144605
50Dr. Karumudi SoumyaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/22731
51Dr. Rudra KaushikaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/23325
52Dr. Gattu Kranthi KumarMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/22119
53Dr. Yempati SannihithaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/21024
54Dr. Ramada GuntakandlaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/18455
55Dr. Pilli Anushka RajMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/25028
56Dr. Vellampalli Sai AswithaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/27283

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